Thursday nights at the Town Square Tavern have been an interesting journey. We have has some great nights with a packed bar and we have had some awful nights with about 8 people. All in all... it has been good, but I must say, there is weird cool guy thing going on. I mean most of my cool friends decided that the place is stale and looks like a airport bar with Salmon colored seats. I really do not think that should matter. I think what matters is the music and the scene that it would be if they actually showed up! I should not get upset about this... I mean I have done weekly gigs in this town for about 10 years now and I should be over it, but it is a part of my life... my music... my passion to play for a crowd. This is getting weird so just support the scene and stop being cool.
Passion Pit-Sleepyhead(The Knocks Remix)
Passion Pit-Sleepyhead(The Knocks Remix)